Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the CSA Box this Week

It seems like each week is more of the same in the CSA boxes. I have been challenged though because it seems like the things I can make a meal out of are getting scant. I can't seem to get enough eggplant or cucumbers (or even, unbelievably, summer squash some weeks) to make a week's worth of meals. I've been having to get into that quarter cow that's stashed away in our freezer.

I have made a wonderful discovery though a couple of weeks ago. By our closest library, there is a farm stand that is open Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. I've been supplementing our box with tomatoes from there and fruit--either plums or peaches lately. My kids love plums!! I'll get the CSA box, look and see what I need and then hit the farm stand to round things out. It's less than 5 minutes from my house (by car) and overall, the produce is great.

In our box:
a watermelon (M wanted both a watermelon and cantaloupe and had a melt down at the box pickup because we could only get one)
a cucumber (which I've discovered J will eat if I peel it first)
several zucchini and summer squash
bell peppers
variety of chile peppers (most of which got left behind)
a butternut squash
a bag of potatoes
a couple bulbs of garlic
a bag of onions
3 eggplant
a bunch of basil

A note about the butternut (and most winter squash)...these are best if you don't eat them right away. Winter squash need 2 months or so to develop their flavors, so find a cool, dry, dark (if possible, I don't have such a place) to stash the winter squash for a couple of months.

What we're eating this week (and last which may not have been posted about):
Robust Summer Sauce and Pasta
Grilled cheese sandwiches with basil and tomatoes (at least for the adults)
Italian meatloaf and smashed potatoes
Burgers and roasted potato wedges
Baked Leftover Cheeses Mac and Cheese
Tuscan Panzanella
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Squash Yeast Rolls
Whole Wheat Bread

Hopefully I'll get some of these recipes posted (if they aren't already). If you want a recipe that I don't put up, comment and I'll try to be sure to get it up (although it may be photoless).

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