The summer vegetables are waning---less squash and cucumbers and the fall veggies are showing up. The boxes are full again, leafy greens take up lots of space! There are several photos today because some of the produce are not your common everyday school cafeteria lunch variety.
In the box (M helped inventory by counting and sorting):
a dozen eggs (which brings my grand total of eggs in the fridge to 20!!)
a bunch of bok choy (plus a second bunch I got from the trade box--pictured at top)
bunch of basil
bunch of kale (I am guessing between 1/2 lb and a 1 lb)
three kohlrabi (the second picture down)
6 eggplant of various colors, shapes and sizes (third picture down)
a bulb of garlic
6 bell peppers of varied colors
a butternut squash
2 cucumbers (not the best looking)
1 summer squash
hot peppers (left in trade box)
okra (left in trade box)
I am glad I left the menu for today and tomorrow open! Tonight for supper we are having Sesame Beef stir fry using bok choy and bell peppers. Tomorrow night we are going to have a soup/stew using kale. I need to check the recipes to see what other things I need. If I can, I'll include the kohlrabi in the kale recipe.
A brief description of kohlrabi--it's a root vegetable. I have recipes for it using it as substitute of sorts for potatoes in a kohlrabi salad (that highly resembles a potato salad). I also use it chicken pot pie and a main dish with edamame (soy beans). I don't know a lot about it, but have found it tolerable to eat.
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