Wednesday, June 24, 2009

In the CSA Box today

The box wasn't as packed today as I was used to it being in the summers. I actually wished for more squash and eggplant! I can't complain about the tomatoes though. I think I may make another batch of juice--it's pretty easy to make and doesn't take as long as pasta sauce.

In the box:

5 lbs San Marzano tomatoes
hot peppers
two heirloom tomatoes
a medium-large eggplant
2 cucumbers
3 squash
a dozen eggs
a cantaloupe

Plans for the produce:

tomato juice
cantaloupe is already mostly eaten (a good way to find a sweet cantaloupe is to smell the end where it connected to the vine. It should smell sweet (a strong smell is sweeter than a not strong smell)
squash will be made into zucchini bread
eggplant will be baba ganoush

Between being exhausted (crazy infant and toddler sleep patterns!) and having things in the evenings, I haven't been doing as much cooking. From the past week and into the next week:

Monday-Grilled Portabella Bulgur "Burgers"
Tuesday- Tacos on Rice
Wednesday-Summer We-Just-Got-Our-Box and I-Am-Tired Pasta
Thursday-a casserole plus cucumbers
Friday-Baba Ganoush for snacks
Saturday-Leftovers and Za-atar Salad
Sunday-Leftovers and Jerusalem Artichoke and Dill Salad

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