Thursday, March 26, 2009

A New Food Page

I love finding new websites about food. I think that has to do with not only the love of cooking food and eating food, but also my love of reading about food. Curtis and I are both big fans of The Atlantic magazine...the articles are news related but written in a more indepth way than say Newsweek or Time, kinda like NPR news stories vs CNN (or any other news agency). It's not the political bias as much as providing more than just the headlines and a few details.

I am off subject though (well slightly). Through the Austin Chronicle (or KUT or the news last night, I can't remember where, but that too is not important), I learned that one of Boggy Creek Farm's owners is writing for a blog featured on The Atlantic's website. This afternoon, I discovered my new favorite website of people writing about food. It's listed over in the links section or you can check it out here. The site is awesome--it lists blogs it finds (like Georgia on my Thighs---cooking through a Paula Deen cookbook), blog it sponsors (like On the Farm which has Carol Ann Sayle from Boggy Creek Farm), and food articles (on things like what is Healthy Food, Bagels, and the now popular White House Garden). It's the whole enchilada! Check it out when you have a chance!

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